Sore Throat Treatment for Patients of All Ages in Bristol, CT

A sore throat—which is a feeling of pain and irritation in the throat—is one of the most frequent symptoms of the common cold, the flu, and other viral infections. Often, it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as a runny nose, cough, headache, and low-grade fever. Home remedies, such as drinking warm liquids, gargling with salt water, using a humidifier, and taking over-the-counter medications, can help ease the pain. But if you’ve had a sore throat for over a week, or if your sore throat is accompanied by a high fever, an earache, a stiff neck, or sore joints, then you’ll want to visit PhysicianOne Urgent Care in Bristol, Connecticut, for prompt sore throat treatment.

Evaluating Your Sore Throat

When you visit our urgent care center for sore throat treatment, you’ll be seen by one of our experienced practitioners who will first learn about your symptoms and then conduct a physical exam. The practitioner will check the back of your throat for swelling, redness, and white spots, as well as palpate your neck to check for swollen glands. If the practitioner believes you may have strep throat—a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics to resolve—then a rapid strep test will be ordered. Since we have an on-site clinical lab in our urgent care center, we can have the results of the test ready within minutes. Then, we will develop a comprehensive treatment plan that will get you on the road to wellness.

Visit PhysicianOne Urgent Care Today

PhysicianOne Urgent Care in Bristol is open seven days per week for your convenience, and we also offer an online check-in option. If you need sore throat treatment for yourself or your child, visit us today!

father and daughter hugging
The overall care I received was excellent! I also appreciate your affiliation with Yale New Haven Hospital.
Derby, CT
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