X-Ray in Brookfield, CT

Urgent Care With X-Ray Brookfield CT

At PhysicianOne Urgent Care, we are committed to providing our patients with a streamlined healthcare experience. Toward that end, all of our locations, including our urgent care center in Brookfield, Connecticut, are equipped with digital X-ray technology, which produces outstanding image quality and allows us to deliver on-the-spot results. As such, we are able to quickly provide highly accurate diagPlease call ahead for same-day X-ray availability. noses that lead to prompt and appropriate treatments. This is just one example of how we’re taking non-emergency urgent care to the next level.
When an X-ray is mentioned, many people automatically think of a broken bone. Although X-ray imaging plays a key role in the diagnosis of fractures, this technology can be used for many other purposes as well. A few examples include assessing a possible joint dislocation, checking for fluid in the lungs, and confirming the presence of kidney stones. Please call ahead for same-day X-ray availability.  

Our X-ray Services

Our experienced radiologic technicians can provide an X-ray test to aid in our diagnosis of injuries and illnesses affecting the:

  • Upper extremities, including the fingers, hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, and upper arm
  • Lower extremities, including the toes, foot, ankle, lower leg, knee, and upper leg
  • Chest and lungs
  • Abdominal area
  • Hips and pelvis

Every X-ray we perform is interpreted by a board-certified radiologist. Often referred to as an “overread,” this process is an extra step we take to ensure our patients receive accurate results and high-quality care.

Do You Really Need an ER?

If you’re in pain, your first instinct may be to rush to the nearest hospital emergency room. Of course, you’ll be taken care of there, but unless you’re facing a true emergency, you most likely don’t need an ER. In a non-life-threatening situation, you can skip the crowds, chaos, long wait, and big bill by going directly to PhysicianOne Urgent Care in Brookfield instead. Our team of friendly medical professionals is available 365 days per year to provide urgent care with X-ray services, as needed. We’ll get you in and out quickly, and you’ll leave our office with the answers you need and deserve. Please call ahead for same-day X-ray availability.

Mother and daughter happy at the beach
Throughout the visit I felt like the staff really cared. The doctor took his time talking with me about my symptoms, and I felt like he listened to all my concerns and took that into consideration when recommending the right treatment. Thank you!
Hamden, CT
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